Health Tech for Businesses
'Health Tech For Businesses' by DocHQ delves into different topics affecting healthcare and businesses like AI, Data Privacy, Digital Health and more. DocHQ is a health-tech business that offers a range of digital health solutions for companies with the aim of improving employee health and productivity and also caters to individual health needs. Our mission is to provide patient-centred healthcare with scalable and secure technologies to enable better health outcomes for everyone.
Health Tech for Businesses
Menopause and Physical Therapy: In conversation with Jackie Grant
Thank you to Jackie Grant for sitting down with us to talk about all things menopause, from fitness and physiotherapy to health testing and community outreach.
It was delightful to hear about the incredible work Jackie is doing to empower women to understand their bodies and navigate through difficult transitions. Here, she tells us about the Menopause and Women's Health cafe she opened to create a safe and open space for women to share their experiences.
At DocHQ, we aim to improve health choices for women in your workplace. With over 13 million women in the UK workforce potentially experiencing menopause or perimenopause, it's crucial. In the UK, only 27% of women disclose their menopause symptoms to their employers.
Our Menopause Health Check range is an invaluable tool you can offer your employees. It helps them learn more about their menopausal status, receive GP-verified results, and get the support they deserve.
You find Jackie here: